Don’t Allow Opinions to Inhibit Your Creativity

Hey y’all,

This year of 2019 has seen our earth’s population swell to over 7.7 billion people. That means that, if we could stand before every single person on the planet, we would be barraged with as many opinions—because everybody has one.

In my opinion, lol,

opinions are probably the number one reason why people are not free to make their own decisions.

Humankind is highly influenced—or, even bound, by what others think. 

Humans have a herd mentality:

It’s safer and easier to stay in the crowd

…not too stand out too much;

to do what others say…

to go along with the program,

to blend in with others,

not to be an individual

Many people go through their lives trying desperately to please others, while shelving their own dreams and desires, therefore, forfeiting their own purposes for being on this earth.

Other people impose their own wills on others; manipulate people into doing what they, themselves, want done; live their unfulfilled dreams through others’ lives, etc.

From super paramount down to trivial,

when one allows others to influence or dictate how one lives one’s life, that person loses her identity.

I’m not here to fix anyone’s psychological problems. Lol.

However, I will say that we should all treat each other with love, preferring the other instead of always wanting our own way. Love doesn’t force its own will on others, but allows each individual, unique flower to bloom.

I simply want to bring out that—

too many women suppress their creativity in their appearance because they believe others would not approve. 

Part of a woman’s identity is her own attitude toward life, reflected in her appearance; how she expresses herself and how she presents herself to the world, which includes her own personal style of dressing.

FORGET what others like or don’t like!!

Dress artistically! Be original! Be imaginative!

Be your own canvas on which you create a work of art!

(P.S. You’ll be surprised at how many DO like your look when you get creative!)

This may seem frivolous, compared to the severity of the scenarios listed above. But, I wanted to make the point that people’s opinions can definitely hold a person back from her own individualism.


I remember back when I so much wanted to be “brave enough” to wear outfits I’d come up with in my own bedroom, standing in front of my mirror.

I think of one time I found this terrific black crinoline. Ya don’t see many of those anymore! I thought it would be fun to wear it so that it showed. This wasn’t a hard thing to figure out: just wear a shorter skirt and let it peek out underneath. And, it was cute, too—but, I wondered what people would think! (Now, bear in mind, this was a LONG time ago…before the boho trend…and this idea of creative dressing was new to me.No one knew me as offbeat.)


That’s the problem:

What would people think?! 

So what, if somebody doesn’t like your creation? What’s the big deal? Are you going to be physically removed from a place because of it? 

Ah, yes…the factor of people staring:

That makes some people extremely self conscious and nervous.


If you want to dress differently—

DO it!

You know—if you’ve read much of what I’ve written on this blog—you know how I feel about the current boho trend: I love all the various aspects of it, but I’m not bound to the so-called “must-haves” in the lists of “how to dress bohemian.”

The point is: YOU decide what and how you want to dress.

Yes, you’re certainly allowed to take from the many suggestions of hippie/ boho/ gypsy/ peasant/ Victorian/ goth/ steam punk, or whatever you want to incorporate into your look. Just make your creations YOU! …never copy another’s style.

Take it from me: Fulfilling your God-given desires regarding creativity changes frustration into satisfaction, peace and joy!

Dressing unconventionally becomes second nature: You don’t even realize you’re being unusual! Lol. You’re just being you!

It’s your life. It’s your look!

Bohemian means unconventional

If you’re one who is tired of traditional, established, normal, ordinary, common, mainstream…BORING, BORING, BORING—

spice it up!!




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blessings, cindy heart

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