Accessories Make ALL the Difference!

This is a funny story, but one that taught me something:

The other day, I was walking across the Wal-Mart parking lot when I encountered a man walking his dog.

I heard his voice from behind me: “Is that your real hair?” (My hair is unusually long.) I answered, with a “duh!” tone in my voice, “Ye–es…” and continued walking, not really desiring conversation.

He caught up with me. “You look stunning!” he

announced. I thanked him politely without breaking my stride, with only a quick glance his way. Then, he added, “You make me think of my daughter…(I liked that idea: to be compared in any way to a young woman! Lol!) …She’s a free spirit, too,” he concluded. I then looked over at him and we both smiled. He seemed harmless enough. I thanked him again and went on my way.

He seemed to like my outfit…Nah, d’ ya think? Lol.

I thought to myself, The only thing about my outfit that could be construed as “stunning” was that I was wearing an abundance of accessories.

As clothes go, my outfit was nearly “normal.” Lol.

It was my use of accessories that made it stand out. That made me think of writing a post about it. 🙂

Take a look at the outfit below…just a top and a pair of jeans…nothing special.

Yet, by adding a hefty “layer” of accessories, it becomes a “stunning” outfit!

Hey y’all!

Do you realize that even a simple outfit can become a bohemian outfit by simply adding accessories?!


You can go from PLAIN to PEANUT in a matter of seconds!

Dig into your jewelry box! Grab some necklaces from your jewelry tree! Look in your drawers for a few bracelets and rings!

I love throwing on some “hardware!” I’m just not “dressed” if I leave the house “naked!”

Sometimes I go out and realize I forgot to put on earrings. Oh-no!

The other day I looked at my arms and hands and thought, “Argh! I forgot my bracelets and rings!!”

My main message that I want to constantly convey to my readers is always this:

Be who you are! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: “We women are not cookie-cutter women. We are individuals, with different tastes and likes. So, WHY should we all look alike??

Each one of us needs to make our mark on the world. Not only should we make our mark on society through the living of our lives and the example we show others, but we need to also wear our identity!

So, one way to “wear our identity” is to

show our uniqueness with accessories.

Those of you have read any of my other posts, know that frugality is utmost in consideration as I shop.

Being and wearing attractive doesn’t always mean beaucoup bucks spent!

I’m not a mall-shopper. Occassionally I go to a mall to see what the fancy stores are offering these days, but, as you know, I create my own style, so it’s not important to me to buy what’s “in.”

Instead, I want to be my own designer—and to do it frugally!

Costume jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive! I really didn’t have that much until, a few months ago, when I found Teresa at the flea market!

She spoiled me rotten!! She had oodles of jewelry each for a dollar or 6 pieces for $5!

Also at the flea market, I found lovely vintage sterling silver rings with real stones of turquoise, onyx, etc., for a dollar a gram of weight, which translated to an average of $3 per ring!

You may not have a Teresa or a silver-per-gram dealer around where you are, but I still advise that you look in flea markets and rummage sales for the best deals.

Alas, as the Florida summer heat ‘n’ humidity has gotten too uncomfortable, Teresa quit having a space and we (my hubby and I) also are quitting the flea market till fall. We laughed about needing to go to “Teresa Anonymous” because I was hooked on her bargains!! Lol.

I have been creating my own style of dress over the last many years as it has evolved into one of individuality—suited to ME only…to the point of dressing in whatever way I like— regardless of what anybody else thinks!!

I used to be shy and didn’t want to stand out in a crowd, but just wanted to blend in. But, that’s no fun!! So—many years back, I thought to myself, Who cares what others think or how they might stare at the “unusually dressed one,”or, “that one in the weird outfit,” or think,

“Who does she think she is?” By golly, if I wanna wear an outfit I make up, I WILL!!

I never wore or currently wear an outfit to get looks. No, I even try not to look around to see people’s reaction. I don’t want to be viewed as the one with the “look-at-me air.” My husband says when we walk into a restaurant, that people’s eyes turn to me. Well, I don’t do it for that. I simply want to be who I am. Once I discovered “me,” then, I didn’t WANT to be like everybody else!!

Not only jewelry, but statement belts, and, of course, boots and hats, add SO MUCH to an outfit!!

You’re never too old to spice it up with accessories! Just ask Iris!! Lol.

Iris Apfel, Style Icon…still spicing it up at age 90-something!

my style gallery featured image resized
2017-10-23 DSC_0085 - blk outfit w colored leaf skirt
2017.11.13 DSC_0035 - edit
2017-07-31 ouftit x2 (2)
refuse to be ordinary
DSC_0312 - edit2 layered outfit w.magnolia hat. lighter
DSC_0396 - repurpose skirt on bike


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8 Replies to “Accessories Make ALL the Difference!”

  1. Hi Cindy,

    I so agree with you that accessories can transform the look of any simple outfit into something absolutely gorgeous. I loved the way how you have styled your entire outfit with accessories giving a perfect bohemian vibe and you have totally nailed it!


    1. Hey Ana! O thnx for the comment!…and, thnx, too, for the compliment!I appreciate your saying about the “perfect bohemian vibe.” Lol. It’s funny…I just put together what I like, not concerning myself as to whether I’m “bohemian” or not. But, the best def of “bohemian,” to me, is: unconventional. I do realize that my style is out of the ordinary, therefore, unconventional. Ya kno, I think I must have gypsy blood flowing through my veins!—because it seems to come naturally. Lol.

  2. I think so much like you!I’ve always dressed different and my travels thru 9 countries have been a great influence,especially Pakistan and Asia.fell in love with gypsy style skirts long ago.besides ,they are cooler to wear in these hot,humid Texas inspired me so much,I was going thru my closet at 11pm looking for pieces to try together!

    1. Eve, you are an inspiration to ME!

      Thanxomuch for corresponding even this much! 🙂 You tickle me with your enthusiasm! 😀 I NEED feedback to give ME a boost, and the site hasn’t had much action lately. But, then, I need to post regularly (my fault).

      I’ve gone kinda dormant lately on my blog, due to one major thing: My hubby passed into Glory a year ago November 22, and we fought that ugly cancer for a long time before that. Plus, the pandemic, besides no life partner now, has kept me home even more … so, not much reason to dress up 🙁 … except for work. And, they’ve grown accustomed to my funky “put-togethers” –everybody else dresses ho-hum. But, I haven’t CREATED anything by sewing things together in a long time.

      Your contacting me has given me a feeling of “somebody’s out there who cares and is interested in my blog!”

      I’ve kinda lost inspiration and motivation. However, God encouraged me to start this blog, so that means this blog has a purpose. One thing it’s brought is: I have met some fun women who enjoy similar tastes and styles, and I have made a few wonderful friends across the world whom I never would have met otherwise!

      P.S. Eve, because of your interest, I’ll ask you: Do you have any ideas of how I can monetize my blog? It seems the only thing that I found through initial searches earlier on, that might work is, being an affiliate marketer. But, offering expensive bohemian clothing on my site defeats my emphasis on frugality! Any ideas?

      So, you’re in Texas! I’m in Florida. Congrats on your travels. I still hope to travel.

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