Boho Style for Over 40

Boho over 40

Hey DIY Bohemian gals!

First, I want to say, thank you! I really do appreciate all of you who have stuck with me on this blog. I respect your opinions and value your input. (And really desire your comments on the bottom of posts! Hint-hint! 😀 )

One of my “family members” told me she found DIY Bohemian as she was searching for “boho over 40.”

This got me to thinking: So, how is “boho style over 40” different from bohemian fashion for the younger set?

I did a quick search for images of boho for teens vs. boho for over 40.

Really, the only difference I could find was that the “under 40” set shows more skin. 

And, yet…

the outfits on these young girls could very well be worn by over 40, 50, 60…90, for that matter! 

Of course, it also depends on the season of the year.

Bottom line:

Wear WHATEVER you want to wear!

I’d say, it’s not really age that dictates your wardrobe, but it’s your personality!

And, as far as showing skin? That’s also up to your personality—and your body. 

As for me, I’ve always been pale skinned.

I’ve always been slender…but pale. But, now, I have a poochy stomach. 🙁 …I used to have such a nice, flat tummy! (Sigh!) I have to deny myself too many goodies.

In my 20s, I tried to get a tan. Basically, I burned! Besides, it was just TOO HOT to be out in the sun in the backyard simply to get some color! I suffered in the heat…and probably got dehydrated. I wasn’t too wild about drinking water back then. Now, it’s my favorite drink.

Because I love sleeveless, my arms eventually got tan—but, then, I had a farmer’s tan! Lol.  Now I wish I’d worn sunscreen! I’ve never been a “shorts wearer” away from home, but always at home (in warm weather).

Lol. I remember in my 20s, I went to St. Augustine (Florida) —the oldest city in the U.S.—for the day, with this guy. Lol…I think it was my only date with him. That’s okay. I went with him just because I love St. Augustine. 🙂

He instructed, “Wear shorts!” Lol. When I did, he took one look at me and said, “You’re so white!” —like it repulsed him! O well! Lol.

So, I’ve always been self conscious about my white legs! Also, when I was in my 20s, I stood a lot at my job and got those “lovely” spider veins.

…Therefore, I love maxi skirts and pants. In my BB (before bohemian) years, I wore pantyhose. Ick!! Not ‘ny more!! Lol. But, I have been known to wear colorful tights with shorter skirts. 🙂

Bye for now! xx

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12 Replies to “Boho Style for Over 40”

  1. Boho over 40 means freedom to me. In my earlier life I was first in the conformist line. Mono tone colors business suits or eek a uniform. Now at 65 I can wear whatever I want to. It’s the first time I’ve been able to be myself. I’m experimenting with style and colors without worrying about what someone else thinks. Ha! If someone doesn’t like what I’m wearing they don’t have to look 😁. BOHO = FREEDOM from the dictates of the fashion industry. So come on girls wear your brightest colors and tons of you fav jewelry, let’s start a fashion revolution!
    BTW I’m enjoying your blog very much!

    1. Hip-hip Hooray!!
      Thanks Mary! I love your comment!

      YES! Being an unconventional dresser is freedom. License to wear what you truly want to wear!—to say who you are in your choice of style. Gone are drab duds, nasty neutrals, and tiresome attire!

      I met a nurse who had rows of piercings in her ears. She said she liked my style but she had to wear scrubs most of the time.

      YES! We are not bound to tradition, blending in with the way we are told to dress.

      Thank you for your comment and thanks so much for your encouraging compliment that you very much enjoy my blog!!

  2. got luv freedom of choice and colors that announce ‘happy’. Use hang out with boho gals in HS but alas! parents refused let me even ‘borrow’ such fashions-had wear ‘conservative’ monotone colors. Today, all colors.

    1. Good for you, Gin!
      Yeh, back in high school I had to pretty much wear what my mom said I could wear. But, then, I didn’t know my individual style till years later.

      Yes, I admired what others wore, in some cases, but I had no idea who I was till my 30s. Before I knew me, I simply wanted to imitate those I admired.

      Now, I create my own look. It just so happens that what I like is now in vogue. But, I started dressing “differently” many years before the “boho trend” came into fashion. And, I will continue to “do my own thing” in style after the trend fades away.

      The point is: Wear what you love, whether it’s in fashion or not!!

  3. Cindy, I also have a very pale skin, and many spidery veins! That’s what’s so wonderful about boho clothes – wide, wonderful, colourful pants and skirts! And not worrying about what anyone else thinks! I also had to wear what my mom gave me at school. I didn’t even have much say in my own wedding!! But now I have found my own style, and you have helped A LOT in helping me realize my style! I absolutely LOVE your blog, your ideas, and you sharing your faith. God put you here at this time, just like Esther in the Bible. So, girl, keep on doing what you are doing! We love you!

    1. Deirdre, I love your comment. Y’all have no idea how making comments on my posts encourages me…it’s like oxygen to my lungs!!! And, I get a little more acquainted with you each time you comment. 🙂 I really enjoy that!

      Yes, colorful maxi skirts are one of my favorites! Not only do they cover flaws (lol) but I love the way they billow in the breeze!

      I am THRILLED to know that I am being instrumental in helping you realize your style!! That is my intent with my style blog…not to have women copy me—NO!, but that I may be able to encourage women to find their own style—to be true to their own personalities, and NOT to just follow along with the crowd!

      Even among the so-called bohemian/ boho/ hippie looks, there is an opportunity to “fine tune” that general look into your own individual style. 🙂 My style is not entirely hippie-ish. My favorite definition of bohemian is unconventional, which takes in a lot. To me, it’s simply anything that’s interesting and away from mainstream. I really detest “normal” clothes—They’re so BORING! —and everybody looks the same!

      You are so complimentary with your remarks! But, I know you are sincere, and that’s what counts. If only I had 1,000’s like you! You love my blog and my ideas…what excitement that makes me feel!

      But, most of all, I so appreciate that you appreciate my sharing my faith. I don’t set out to “preach” or “evangelize” at all, it’s just that God is so much a part of me, it just comes out! I lost another subscriber just today—probably someone who just read my Living through a Hurricane story. It’s almost laughable. Every time I mention my relationship with God, people run! Ya know, I don’t care!

      I LOVE the Book of Esther! It is probably my favorite passage—at least, one of. It shows me how God knows all about a situation (even before it happens) and moves people around to positions that He uses to accomplish His plans and bring about good. More and more, I surrender to Him. Each day, I ask Him to order my day, because He knows me better than I know myself, and the desires I have in my heart, He put there!

      Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your friendship!


  4. Deirdre emailed 3/23/21, saying:

    I love ALL your blog posts, Cindy! It’s so lovely to, AT LAST, find someone who feels like I do. I can’t stand boring! I am actually quite shy, although my circle of friends may not agree. LOL. I used to not try and draw attention to myself. But now I feel free, and just enjoy myself. Some people will criticize me anyway!

    So, please keep going! Do not lose heart. We are here, cheering you on!

    Much love and hugs!! Xx

    1. Deirdre, thank you so much for your vote of confidence!!

      I’m so happy to meet and become acquainted with lovely ladies, such as yourself, who are not only on the same wavelength style-wise, but, also spiritually.

      You are a blessing to me! <3

      Love and blessings,

      P.S. I noticed my older posts would automatically close the comments. I fixed that, so, now, people can comment on any post, any time. My content is evergreen, so, comments are welcome any time!

  5. Hi! Just found you today! You look so cute in your bicycle outfit…gonna try similar.
    Love the freedom of boho !
    Thanks so much for your suggestions, so fun !

    1. Hey Lois,
      Thank you!
      I really appreciate your commenting!

      Yes, creating your own style is a lot of fun.
      I’d love to hear from you again.


  6. We are the original bohemians!!! Those young girls weren’t even born yet. I always pick out my daily wardrobe and ask myself, “What would Stevie (Nicks) do?”

    1. Lol! No doubt about it: She is definitely a bohemian goddess!

      But, Jolene, be sure to be you! This blog is all about releasing your imagination, freeing your fancy. NOT copying a diva.

      My message is: Don’t be afraid to cut the cord that ties you to convention. I’m not talking about daring yourself to go against your conscience. Deep truths are heart matters and should be treated with care and prayer.

      But, in terms of wardrobe, fear of being different has kept many women from launching outside of the norm to express who they are. Simply by pairing articles of clothing unusually and uniquely, according to one’s own artistry, brings one’s inner self to show on the outside.

      Have fun with your clothes!! Yes, take inspiration from others, as we all do… but, make your look, YOU!

      We have all drawn inspiration from those I believe are the real original bohemians: European gypsies of more than a century ago. 😀

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