Don’t Underestimate You!

Hey y’all,

So, what does this have to do with things bohemian?

Fulfilling your bohemian destiny has a LOT to do with self image.

Most of this blog is all about outer image. It’s FUN to be bolder than you used to be and achieve the clothing style that says, “This is me!” And, I continue to encourage you to explore yourself and to discover who you are and how that one called “you” would express herself in her style.


But, to me, the most essential factor of individuality is knowing your heart. 

The heart of a person is more than feelings and desire.

It’s what makes you, you.

Your heart is a treasury where all your thoughts, feelings, your life  

experiences, your relationships are kept.

Your heart is your soul, your personality; it is a deep well. It’s up to you who can draw from that well. 

The heart is full of hopes and hurts.

Only you and the One who made you know what’s there.

Since I don’t know most of you, my subscribers, my online family, I have to simply share my story and hope it somehow touches you. 


My whole life I have had to fight a poor self image.

It didn’t help to be a sickly child, who missed a lot of school due to my yearly bouts with asthmatic bronchitis. The kids used to say, “You’re ALWAYS sick!” as if I could help it.

As I said in my last post, an inferiority complex popped his ugly head up too many times throughout my life, making me feel like I couldn’t succeed.

It took me a long time to come into myself, because of shyness and feeling inferior.

My point in telling you all of this, is to encourage you, and tell you that you are valuable – to those who love you and to the One who holds your life in His hands.

I dunno, maybe it’s because I need this, but, it seems that several of you just need to be validated.

In the search for “you,” you are seeking to be authenticated. You are genuine, and you just want people to accept this real person for who she is. 

I guess this could be considered a sequel to my last post.

I believe the whole scheme of life is a master plan involving all of us who are each born at arranged times, to specific parents and families, who touch others’ lives.

Divine Design

A story comes to mind:

When my mama passed into Glory years ago, my sister and I were going through things at the house. 

I got an engagement ring – because it fit my middle finger.

This ring is of no real sentimental value to me: My dad bought it for another woman before he met Mama.

It is gold, with a very small diamond in an old square setting. 

The reason I wear it is, because it reminds me that I was supposed to be born; I have a purpose on this earth in the divine plan.

If that other woman had said ‘yes’ to Daddy (before he was Daddy), I would not have been born! 

If Daddy and this other woman had gotten married and had children, none of them would’ve been me, because I am an offspring of my mama and my daddy. I carry their DNA, their characteristics.

So, I was supposed to be born.

YOU were Supposed to be Born!

I believe life on earth is intended to be a divine design.

But, of course, each of us has a free will – to accept or reject that perfect plan.

I know it’s easy to think we have a better grasp on our situations and lives than does God. But, it’s not true: He knows you better than you know yourself.

His divine order places us in the right place at the right time, if we allow Him, and surrounds us with people who touch us as we touch them.

Some happenings just can’t be relegated to being coincidences. It’s like we are chess pieces on the board, and the Grandmaster is moving us to a position of most favorable outcome – if we comply to that master plan.

20210927 Coincidence001

I believe we complement each other: Each of us contributes to those lives around us.

That’s why it’s so important to be kind, to forgive, to treat others as we want to be treated.

We need to strengthen and support those with whom we have relationship.

We have the power to give good into others’ lives.

Setting an atmosphere of peace and love is a favorable bohemian attribute.

Being a spiritual being is a desirable bohemian quality.

It’s not just an I-me-mine world; we need to care about each other.

One thing this blog has brought me is precious friends across the earth.

They have helped to complete my life! They have encouraged me and been my strength when I was weak.

We all have problems and disappointments.

But, get your eyes off yourself. Lift your eyes up! 


Focus on the promise, not the pain,

the rainbow, not the rain!

Your heart knows what to do.



Don’t Belittle Yourself or Your Talents.

Do What You Love

Don’t allow Anything to Hinder it.

Your Heart’s Desires

are Road Signs

to Your Destiny.

It’s Never Too Late!

YOU have a purpose! YOU have a destiny!

So, when I say, “Don’t underestimate you!”, I mean, you have the power within you (God inside you) to think better of yourself and act on it by doing things that fulfill you, like art. You have the power within you to open your heart and give to others – even a smile.

A line in a movie spoke to me:

You don’t do what your heart craves because you fear failure.

The courage is in the trying.

When I was encouraged to try, I found that I could paint – even a little.

This is my latest cereal box painting.

You don’t know how many layers of paint lie under the layer you can see. As I started out, the mouse wasn’t at all what I wanted. I could easily have quit. But, I persevered, and, eventually, I liked what I created.

The following quote bears repeating…

I’m not like the masters, but I’m creating my own “brand of magic!”

You can follow your heart!

You can do more, accomplish more, than you think you can.

Don’t look at the negative.

See the hope and reach out to claim the promise!

LOOK UP! Focus on the rainbow!

And, be your own, true, bohemian self!

Speaking of flowers…

This is my Chinese Lantern. 😀 A co-worker grew it from a cutting and gave it to me. 🙂

Lol. Been feeling philosophical lately!!

I also thought maybe some needed encouragement.

It feels good when someone encourages you. Believe me, I know!!

Projects in the Works…

Lol. If I tell you what I’m working on, maybe that’ll spur me into action to finish them!!

I need to finish my fat cat lamp!

I’m making a paper mache elephant.
I’m in the planning stage of an assemblage art piece featuring this gyspy woman.

7 Replies to “Don’t Underestimate You!”

  1. Cindy, What a post! A lot to think about & ponder. I believe our creator & this creation of his is amazingly magical. A spiritual journey never ends. We might have an awakening but it was always there and goes on for an eternity. If that’s not magical I don’t know what is!
    What gives me freedom is knowing that he is my Father & that he is in charge. I’m his child and he wants me to delight in him and with everything he has given me. Nothing is willy-nilly. There is great order in life. Some consider life very chaotic & that they have no individual power. That is sad until they too are enlightened.
    Then life really begins. Love & hope are presented to you. Great things are in store. We as his children will need to nurture the gifts he gives us and grow in loving him by getting to know him. Then we cherish all that he made.
    I love freedom but definitely need the structure he provides his children. Possibilities, creative thoughts and a confidence begins to blossom in us.
    It is as though we were sleep walking before the awakening and then we are fully awake, bursting with energy and love towards him and nature. Then for me it modifies & makes for a very serene countenance. It’s like a seesaw that I can employ by asking God to give my spirit what it needs at any given time. I know he loves me and all of his creatures. If ever I should implore him with something that will not be advantageous to me he will not give it but he in all his wisdom & glory will give me something in it’s place that I could never have dreamed of and that is exquisitely designed with me in mind. That’s why, ” Dont worry, Be Happy” works. If you trust him he will take care of all the details.
    Now getting back to my bohemian style which I love & makes me happy. Anyone can purchase boho wears but that’s not really all there is to it. We’ve all had a bad hair day or you try on a dress and you feel drab. Perhaps you’re down in the dumps or you can’t put your finger on it but you just feel out of sorts.
    The solution, Get that good mojo going. So how do you do that. Reconnect with your Lord and Savior. You need to get closer once again. Then your spirit us uplifted. Try on that same dress and you’re inspired. Switch up things. Look at Cindy’s creations for dress or decor. Your eyes light up, you feel artistic, perhaps you will think of FRUGAL, one of my favorite words, ways to give you that boho edge. It’s all about your spirit. Your soul is such a beautiful place, try visiting more.
    Cindy, I just loved your message to us. Love the art work you presented in this post, your thoughts & creativity.
    Crazy about the dress on the gypsy woman & Cindy, can’t wait to see more!!! Love you dear friend.

    1. Katie, dear friend, you are amazing!! Wow, what you have said!! My thoughts exactly! You have conveyed your meaning beautifully! Thank you so much for sharing your heart! Yours is so in tune with mine!
      Love you, Cindy

  2. Email from Fiona, Saturday 10/02/21:


    I love your blog….it’s so encouraging. I love that you are so open about your deep faith in God.

    Thank you for this blessing. You are meant to be here and you are fulfilling your purpose every day.



    1. Dear Fiona,
      What a blessing to hear this from you.
      You are an encouragement to me!
      When I started this blog, I tended to stay strictly with style and not bring in my personal life.
      But, now, I feel led to share my heart as though I am sitting with each of you as we talk about life and what means most to us.
      Because I am getting such positive feedback from the posts wherein I share from my heart – comments from both here on the blog and on my accompanying Facebook group – I will feel freer to share my thoughts with you on this blog.

  3. I just love your latest painting. The mouse & the apple. So cute & I’m saving my cereal boxes. Great idea!
    Can’t wait to hear more regarding the planning stage of an assemblage art piece featuring the gyspy woman. Are you giving us snippets of information a long the way on this process or do I need to control myself & wait for the masterpiece? I know patience is a virtue & that is not always a strength of mine but I don’t believe in rushing the artist. It’s a process but I need to know, lol.
    I’m an Irish traveler so very fascinated with gypsies and their life styles. Her dress is so fabulous, I can’t stop looking at it.

    1. 🙂 Katie, I found this photo online. I had to resize it bigger and work on it on my vintage version of Photoshop Elements (about 20 years old! Lol) Some photos don’t do well to resize them, but after smoothing her skin using the paint tool, lol, it looks pretty good for an 8×10.

      I added the purple across the bottom, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t show up much on the print. On the bottom, I added a photographer’s name and London address, which I made up, to make it look like a portrait studio had done it. She looks British to me…like maybe she was a stage actress in the 1920s. 😀

      I haven’t done an assemblage art piece yet but admire them on Pinterest. Lol. We’ll see how this comes out!! I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do, but I have three weathered boards I’ll put together, and want to use a scrap of upholstery fabric from a throw pillow. Lol, I’m sure I’ll use Pinterest for inspiration. I love those which have odd bits of things put together. 😀

  4. Comments from the Facebook group, :

    From Annelie:
    “That little mouse is too cute Cindy. I love the little painting. You must try on superwood or hardboard. Then it will last forever. Its not expensive at all and you can paint over and over it.”
    I love your story about the engagement ring, it is so true. 😍

    From Maria:
    “Beautiful! Keep flowing with your creative energy..u connect with more resonant spirits than u realize. Luv it!”

    To Maria from Cindy:
    “Hugs! Your comment means SO much! For a long time I steered away from spiritual content on my style blog. But, it’s so much a part of my life – and it IS my blog – that I have felt led to share my more intimate thoughts. However, it seems every time I mention God, I lose some subscribers! Well, maybe I plant a seed before they leave! I’m SO GLAD the spiritual thoughts are appreciated. ❤😘🥰😊

    From Deirdre:
    I totally agree, Maria! We don’t realize how many people’s lives we touch. Cindy, you have made a huge impact on my life. I had always been too shy to express myself, too worried about what other people would say. Now I realize I have to please MYSELF! Thank you for your words in this post, Cindy! It blessed me. We need each other very much in this time! 😍😍And Annelie is always egging us on to be creative. I love it! And Maria, your free spirit blesses me! As I already said, we need each other. I need you all in my life!! ❤️❤️

    To Deirdre from Cindy:
    “My dear, I need all of YOU in MY life! What a blessing y’all have been to me!! I started my blog because more and more people were liking my style…Strangers I’d see when I was out. Every time another would compliment my different style, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me!! He kept “elbowing” me stronger and stronger! Then, finally, I said, “OK, Lord!” Then, I said, “If this is really You, what’s the name of my blog?” It wasn’t an immediate answer – the Lord seems to like to make us wait for Him! Lol. But, only a few days later, it just popped into my head: DIY Bohemian. I wasn’t even thinking of that at that moment! Over the last few years, God has been teaching me to TRUST Him! I received Jesus as my Savior as a 12- or 13-year-old. A few years later, I made Him Lord of my life. Now, He is such a Father and Friend, taking care of me and ordering my days to where I’m really learning to depend totally on Him, and He is SO FAITHFUL!”

    “Wonderful! I love it! ❤️❤️”

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