Open Yourself to New Expressions of You!

Dear one who fancies yourself a bohemian,

Bohemianism is not a fad or craze.

It’s not even a particular manner or mode of dressing, i.e. a certain fashionable clothing style, attainable by possessing x, y, and z clothing items.

It is not following or pursuing a trend because it’s the rage to do so.

It is not adulating and glorifying celebrities who have become status symbols in the fashion world, who have made popular the so-called “bohemian style.”

In my opinion, someone may fit the description of what now may be labeled “a bohemian” if she is an atypical, slightly eccentric, and somewhat quirky individual who makes a quality decision to be her honest-to-goodness real self.

I’m not talking about the so-called “pride” of gender confusion.

I’m talking about being true to yourself, listening to the yearnings of your heart.

When God held your essence in His hands, then deposited that core element of your being – known as a spirit – into that 

microscopic, tangible, mortal frame, and placed your physical self into your mother’s womb, He made you an individual like no other on the face of the earth.

No other has ever been like you or ever will be like you.

Even identical twins are not “identical.”

No one is the same, but some of us are “different.” Lol.

As you grew and developed, you came to realize that you didn’t “fit in”  with the general population.

And, then, when you came into your own, you didn’t want to pretend to fit in any more.

God made your heart to beat faster over certain interests in life; particular elements rose in importance for you. 

Artists are


Being Yourself = Following Your Heart

God put particular desires in your heart that He knew would enrapture and gratify you. 

It would be a crime to diminish the fullness of the joy intended for you by refusing to follow your heart!

Those things planted in the garden of your heart were designed to take you to your destiny. 

Don’t Ignore those Yearnings.

Hunger and Thirst are Road Signs.

It is your story!

Are you one who has pushed aside your heart’s desires?

Have you lost that childlike exuberance that delighted in the simple things, which, as you grew older you discarded because you thought it was childish?

—or, maybe you felt defeated – as I did, and thought, what’s the use?

When I was a kid, I loved to draw! But, when I noticed that my art was inferior to my older sister’s, I decided that I was given just enough artistic ability to be frustrated and not enough to be good!

I was so disappointed, that I felt that my small amount of talent was a curse, rather than a blessing. 

It’s sad that I felt that way. 

But, the artistic bend in my soul simply had to find release somehow.

It was like gushing water trying to find an

outlet, or it would explode! 

 It took me to art photography and creative writing – also to photo restoration.

But, maybe, in the process, I needed to learn that I am capable of these other talents.

Then, it led me to my own original style in dress, which is represented by this blog.

I call my style “original” because, yes, I take from things I see, but my style is all mine! —as yours should be yours!

All along throughout my life, my heart was yearning to make art, but I kept pushing it away because I thought I wasn’t any good at it.

Enter my Facebook group, which stemmed from my blog.

This group has grown in number and many of its members are very talented artists, who are also great


–so much so, that they encouraged me to try again.

And, how grateful I am that they did!

They have reinforced and energized my long-dormant craving to make art!

I discovered that painting is easier for me than drawing: Painting allows me to cover up mistakes!!! Lol. I get to start over on part without destroying the whole.

I admit, I was quite surprisingly pleased with my first efforts. It made me want to do more! —and, it’s FUN and relaxing!

This is my “Boho Girl,” named by one in the group.

I’m starting out with cheap materials: One in my group said ya don’t even need a canvas; use cardboard! So… I used the inside of cardboard cereal boxes, painted the gray cardboard white, then,

began outlining some shapes. 

Now, again, if (when! lol.) mistakes are made, I simply paint it out and do better the second – or, third… time. 🙂

I made a paper mache fat cat to be used as part of a small lamp. In a future post I’ll give you my tut on how I made him.

This is the front of my paper mache fat cat.

So, let me hearten and energize you – even embolden you!!

You can’t do it —

if you don’t START!

You can’t succeed if you don’t try!

I’m positive that many out there are wonderful artists already…


I’m talking to those of you who, like I did, have given up on heart’s desires, such as art.

I implore you!


I’m including below some videos from my DIY Bohemian Group – Designers and Creators.

Check out these videos!!

These are just a few of the neat things you can find on DIY Bohemian Group – Designers and Creators!

I also urge you who haven’t joined our group to please sign up and get involved by creating art – anything unconventional and “bohemian,” post your photos of it and interact with all of us!!!

P.S. To those of you who are fantastic artists, but still dress in mundane, boring, dreary, ho-hum clothes, just as I challenge some to paint, I challenge you to get creative in your style!

… and Please SHARE!

10 Replies to “Open Yourself to New Expressions of You!”

  1. Hi Cindy,
    I’m so glad to hear from you. What inspiring thoughts! I love your art…the Boho Girl and the cat. Keep making and creating..Kat Snider

    1. Hey Kat,
      Yes, it’s been a while since I posted. 🙁 As you may realize, I was in depression (due to Jerry’s passing and the resulting loneliness) – in and out, but when I was “out” I wasn’t fully free. Now, I feel it has lifted, no doubt due to many prayers prayed for me, for which I am so very grateful. God has lifted me and I feel so much lighter! Thank you for saying my post is inspiring. I always try to encourage and uplift the women who so graciously have subscribed. Yes, painting is new for me, and I LOVE it! Since I came to realize that I don’t have to be as gifted as the masters, that I can simply create what I can, it has liberated me, and I’m eager to do more! Thank you so much for your comment and support. You are loved.

  2. Oh Cindy, I just love this post. You outdid yourself! I’m totally inspired. I’ve been working on my studio. It’s coming along nicely. I love the polarity of your sun & moon painting. Have to add one to my portfolio.
    The Boho girl, just awesome. Paper mache fat cat, oh you clever girl. I love all the pictures in this post & the Artists quote of the day, fabulous. Over the years I have developed my bohemian flair but want to spread my wings and wear what I want, when I want & be the creative creature that God intended for all of us in our uniqueness. It would be helpful if people would be more open to new ideas. I’ve found it very freeing to not criticize. Some of us are a bit sensitive, lol. Take the good you find & incorporate it in your life & leave the rest. Well Cindy my girl, I’m off to create some magic. Talk to you soon, like today if still good for you. 💇‍♀️

    1. Katie,
      You make me feel good! 😀 Your comments and our phone visits are so uplifting for me. 🙂 God is so good to have connected us!! I also appreciate that you elaborate with your comments. It means a lot to me to know what in particular is liked about the post. Yes, I, too, wish more people would be open to new things in their lives. I believe probably MANY are artists but have never given themselves a chance to find out. Maybe my posts will trigger some chord in their hearts to try something new. As I said, it is due to my artist friends online that I even tried to do art again. THANK YOU TO ALL who inspired me and cheered me on!!
      Love you my friend! …Now! gonna paint that little mouse photo I told you about. Hope I can get it like I want it! 😀 I’m following your advice to build my confidence, by proclaiming: I AM an artist!

      1. Cindy, I’m so glad God connected us. You are so interesting & artistic. You help to keep my creativity & productivity at an all time high. Now that is a gifted friend. I can’t wait to see the little mouse. Love you 😘

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