Follow Your Bliss

follow your bliss trust the one who made you

Hey y’all,

I think we all go through times of uncertainty; times of anxiety, when we know we’re on the right path, but can’t seem to knock on the right door.

Or, maybe we’re knocking on the right door, but the inhabitant therein seems to be not answering.

This is a different post today. Pardon me, as I am being introspective.

I debated about posting this, but thought others might get comfort in knowing someone else is feeling as they might be feeling. I hope to bring you courage and blessing.

I feel I’m definitely in the very palm of God’s hand, that I’m exactly where I need to be, even though I can’t see it—but, the One leading me knows the way.

My husband Jerry is a great reader. He recently mentioned this phrase from a book he is reading: “Follow your bliss.” I had never heard it before, only similar things like follow your dreams, follow your heart…

It all means the same to me, which is: Chase after the yearning of your innermost being. What do you pine for? What is your greatest wish, your dream, your sigh?

Don’t you believe that whatever attracts you is a strong magnet pulling you, drawing you to your bliss, your happiness, your joy, your fulfillment?

The One who made you is the One who put into you certain “things” that are individually you. Not any two of us is the same—for a reason.

I think God’s purpose is that each of us expresses a different facet of Himself, and that as we work together, we are His presence in the world. Unfortunately, many don’t seem to recognize His spirit, His nature, His character, His personality. Do know that He wants the best for you and that He is the One who placed wholesome desires in you to lead you to your best.

As I encourage myself, let me encourage you, too:

Don’t be fooled by what your circumstances say; stay firm in your knowing of what your heart tells you. 

Your heart is the very core of you; it’s your spirit; it’s where you commune with God. Trust the One Who made you that He is leading you into your purpose for your life. It is He Who put those desires in your heart. Our life is our journey. He told me a while back that I would be going through an “uphill and rocky” part of my path, but to trust Him because He knows the way.

Knowing I am in His hands, I should never fear the outcome because He wants only the best for me. But, I’m human. I’m working toward getting my eyes off the circumstances and onto my Father Who is bigger than any problems I have.

Trusting Father God is not always easy. Believing He is wiser than we, is a must.

Be encouraged and keep trusting Him to take you to your good. <3 

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In the meantime, don’t lose your imagination! Put on your creative thinkin’ cap and create! Here are some ideas…

Add assorted tatters to a midi skirt!
I’m planning to make a summer top from floral pillowcases!
Dress up a t-shirt with this idea!

blessings, cindy heart

I would say, too: Follow your bliss in your style.

Don’t be intimidated by others’ opinions. Make your own unique pieces that express who you are, and find contentment in your creativity. 

Expression in art—any form of art, is true therapy that lifts your spirits. When you use your imagination and develop an idea in a clothing piece, you not only get relief from stress and the blahs, you then have something original to wear!!

4 Replies to “Follow Your Bliss”

    1. Thank you Diane. I believe God has much for those who will trust Him and follow Him. The desires He’s put in our hearts are a road map to the good He has planned for us. It’s when we try to go it alone, going in a direction away from our intended path, that we have problems. Many times—even, I might say, MOST of the time, we can’t see the road for all the fog, but the desires He planted in us take us in the right direction. Then, the “fog lights” of God’s Spirit show us step by step where to go. As we hold on to His hand, He will guide us! God knows what will make us happy—even in the seemingly small things, such as our clothing style. God wants us to be fulfilled in our purpose on earth.
      God bless you my friend. Keep following your true heart’s desires.

  1. Wow Cindy, what a wonderful post. I love the “Follow your bliss” picture at the beginning, and also “Trust the One who who made you.” Throughout my Christian life I have often heard Him whisper in my ear, “Trust Me” when I have been in doubt. He has never let me down.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comment that you left on my blog – you certainly have been busy, trawling back through so many posts!! I am impressed. Thank you for all your kind words. I’ve always been creative and probably a bit of a jack of all trades and master of none if the truth be told – I’ve never been much of a one for sticking to just one thing – too boring!!

    I was commended for my attitude by so many people during my cancer journey, particularly the professionals in charge of my care. They all said that it helped towards a positive outcome. If you have the time sometime, have a read of my “Cancer Diary” – page tabs at the top of my blog, where I bare all – not just the positive bits but my doubts and fears too, which I shared because I thought it might help others by a) showing them they weren’t alone if they felt the same way and b) giving them permission to have a range of different emotions, positive and negative – it’s all part of the journey. I can’t count the number of times people said to me, “You’re an inspiration” but I take no credit for this – it’s down to the Lord, and also, you have a choice – are you going to be a moaning minnie and give up, or are you just going to get on with it with a positive attitude? Having bad things happen in your life isn’t necessarily something you have control over, but you DO have control over how you deal with them.

    I am so sorry to hear about your hubby’s health challenges, and hope that with continuing treatment he will come through them. I always think it’s far worse for the spouse/partner/nearest and dearest than it is for the sufferer – you feel so helpless and it’s such a huge worry. I know it’s been very difficult at times for my hubby, especially on the occasions when he could have lost me altogether.

    I’m amazed, I’ve made 2 new friends recently online – you and Vix! Lots of fun ahead.

    God bless and thanks again,
    Shoshi x

    PS My online name/artist name is Shoshi which I prefer to use.

    1. Shoshi,
      What a pleasure to have found you online!! And, how PLEASED I am that you are one of my supporters/subscribers! I, too, now consider you a true friend! <3

      You are so kind to leave a comment.

      I absolutely CRAVE hearing from my readers! I have recently discovered the potential of emailing my subs---especially, as I have tried sending a survey a couple of times. I'm finding that, via the survey, my followers are willing to give me encouragement and direction in my blog, whereas, previously, very few commented on the bottom of my posts.

      It left me feeling unsure and, frankly, discouraged and depressed. But, now, with input from a few, it helps me deal with the several who have unsubscribed. Honestly, I believe some are turned off when I mention God, occasionally. But, God is a very integral part of my life and I cannot and will not exclude Him!

      My hubby Jerry is so much better than he was a year ago. The leukemia is in remission, and the melanoma is shrinking. Praise God! His main problem now is the side effects of his meds. Thank you for your concern.

      I will continue to "trawl" through your posts. Lol.


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