Tuts n Tips

Re-Invent the Clothes You Already Have!



ย  Create something you’ll love to wear—without the hassle of starting from scratch, or the expensive of buying at the mall!

* Only basic sewing skills are required! *

Mouse over the images. Click a moving image to go to tutorials for Tops, Skirts, etc.


Discover ways of altering and embellishing to make new clothes from the old!


Absolutely change the look and configuration of skirts to make them your own design—by simply combining them or making new skirts out of something totally unrelated!

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Pants and Jeans

Be inspired to re-fashion pants to make them original to your style!


Learn how to properly care for your hats, make easy modifications for different looks, create your own hats and other headwear.


Use my guidelines for constructing boho bags of your own unique design!


Here, I let you in on the best places to find costume jewelry, introduce you to my designer friend in Cyprus—from whom you can get lovely handmade bohemian jewelry, and teach you how to make your own gloves!


I show you how to fashion capes, ponchos, kimonos and vests from surprising sources, and encourage you to personalize your denim jacket.


I hope to inspire you to quit wearing those “same ol’ same-ol’s” and expand your wardrobe simply by changing your thinking!


I give you tips on how to fool Mother Nature—and your pocketbook!



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We all love a bargain, but it’s much more than that!

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It’s not what articles of clothing you have, it’s what you do with them that brings your style!

Get some ideas here!

Re-purposing Projects

Here are some thoughts to stir your imagination for home decor projects!

9 Replies to “Tuts n Tips”

  1. I am so very, very, very glad you emailed me (THANK YOU) concerning your DIY Bohemian site. I am a REFASHIONISTA to the bone in every sense of the word and looking very forward to learning more and exploring new ideas in all things bohemian under your tutelage – you have so many beautiful and fashionable creations. Thank you again.

    1. Wow! Clarene,
      You have NO IDEA what your comment means to me right now! I ain’t feelin’ too encouraged right now…emotional day. For you to honor me in this way makes me want to cry. I’ve had a trying time setting up a new email system, had a few people unsubscribe, and, let’s say, “being closed up in the house” with no breathing space has gotten me a little ragged. Your encouraging comment, when I haven’t gotten ANY comments in quite a while, has meant so much! In what part of the world do you live? I notice you sent your comment at 3:43 am my time. I’m so glad I noticed I had a comment! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm. <3 P.S. I didn't know I emailed you about my blog! ???

      Cindy... I'd love to hear from you again. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Wow!!! Cindy I’m just now (at 1:28a.m.5/09/20) seeing your reply to my comment. You have made my day and believe me I know how you feel when you need an uplifting word and it comes just in time right when you think no one understands or cares or things are just not going right for you – God touches someone’s heart to say to you exactly what you need to hear (speaking of your reply comment to me precious soul) and I’m so happy I was able to encourage you as well dear lady.

        Sincerely & Substaineably,
        Clarene (Greeny Reeny) Miller
        The Queen Of Green – And Always With A Touch Of Glamour Daaahling.

  2. Iโ€™m excited to find this. Just retired and feel like developing something more โ€œmeโ€ from my office wear and other garments. Also love thrifting so today I bought a beautiful peach floral twin sheet – summer dress? Pj pants? And a piece of floral knit maybe 2 yards tagged as linens both pieces for a total of $7! Also have a really cute layered sleeveless dress & scarf & I donโ€™t have the arms for sleeveless – realized a lightweight shawl I have could be used to make sleeves. So thanks for the inspo!

    1. Hey Marsha! Thanks for the comment. ๐Ÿ˜€

      It sounds as though you’re a proper seamstress who knows what she’s doing. ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s great! I would LOVE to see what you make. Join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/diybohemiangroup and show off your creativity to our group! We ALL need inspiration and we can spread it around via our FB group. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Congrats on your retirement. It’s time now to have some fun!!

      Keep thrifting and using your imagination!


  3. Hello there, Iโ€™m extatic to have discovered diy bohemian.From the quick browse of everything you express about your lifestyle and passions..I feel like Iโ€™m looking into the life that is ME. Iโ€™ve spent my whole life in charity shops and thrift stores and I have a passion for NEVER EVER discarding anything,because I always see the item it could be. Iโ€™m off to delve a little more and would love to maybe have a chat with you sometime, yours sincerely Kaz xx

    1. My dear Kaz,
      Lol. “NEVER EVER discarding” is a dangerous practice!! Lol. Be warned: Things add up!! Lol. Be prepared to have a cluttered house, or, I hope you have plenty of storage space! Lol.

      Yes, things still have life after their original lives are spent, or even before, but make sure you REALLY want it before you keep it forever, awaiting its new identity! Lol.

      During a period in my life a few years ago, I bought a lot of garments from the 25-cent rack – made of mostly natural fibers – with plenty of promise. Buying them for their fabric is MUCH cheaper than from the fabric store! But, then, my hubby got sick and passed. ๐Ÿ™ Since then, I have become SO BUSY with work (which is very good not only financially, but it keeps my mind occupied), that I haven’t even taken the cover off my sewing machine, and the bags of clothes that I thought I would transform, still sit waiting. HOWEVER!!! I STILL look forward to “metamorphosing” them into something cool and unique, like caterpillars waiting to become butterflies.

      I’m very excited for you to be excited to have found my site. I’m afraid I haven’t put the time into as I should, lately. But, I will get back to it.

      Feel free to leave more comments, or you can email me. I look at my gmail accounts more than the email associated with my site. So, you can email me at diybohemian@gmail.com.

      I love that you are “delving” into my pages more. It honors me that you are so interested. I need to take tips from myself, lol, because I’ve become too much of a (almost) “normal” dresser because a big part of my work is pet sitting (it’s growing!) and I can’t expect the animals to respect my bohemian clothes! Lol. Plus, with the past two years of pandemic and my hubby’s passing, I haven’t gone anywhere much for enjoyment. But, that will change, I’m sure. I’m confident that God has His eye on me and is working a plan.

      Please let me hear from you again.

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