Be a “Wardrobe Artist!!”

Hey y’all!

This post is directed to all of you “bohemian wannabees!” Lol.

First off, let me give you my favorite def for bohemian: It’s “unconventional,” meaning: “out of the ordinary;” “out of the bounds of cultural norms;” and, my personal favorite, “may be rather surprising.” Lol!

Thanks to my Fellow Bloggers Who Have Shown Such Support!!

I’ve had some encouraging comments lately from my blogger community, Bloggers Traffic Community:

  • “Original site with some great creativity going on!”—A.J. S.
  • “I could not agree more AJ. Truly in a class all her own!” —Keith A.
  • “Amazing”— Magrt M.
  • “I so admire your individuality & creativity!!”—Simone L.
  • “Great creativity!”—John M.
  • “Love this! She has spunk!”—Pat D.

Y’all have no idea how this blesses me  and takes me forward! THANK YOU!

It tickled me to no end when fellow blogger Kimberly V. labeled me as a “wardrobe artist!”

I humbly accept that honorary badge of creativity, as I believe that style is based in art, and it seems to require a certain perception to achieve it.

In talking with my friend Pam M., I was asserting that anybody could do what I do with clothes, if they tried. She responded, “Cindy, not everybody

has your eye.” That answer surprised me. It’s been a puzzle to me why those who love my style, don’t do it themselves. She turned on the light for me.

The comments people make continue to amaze me: I had to laugh out loud when Kimberly V. also wrote: “I seriously think I could live in your clothes closet!!”

Lol. Lol. Lol.

I LOVE IT! God bless her!

Many years ago, my odd ensemble ideas were indeed strange to “normal” folks! I got those quizzical, sometimes disapproving, “what-in-the-world-is-that?!” looks. Lol.

Now, in more recent years, I’ve noticed that it’s cool to be different. I came to realize that my style fits into the bohemian category—well, I’ll agree that I dress “out of the ordinary!” Lol.

 I want to point out

that, even though I LOVE most bohemian looks, I don’t want to be bound by those ideas called bohemian. I still want to encourage women to create their own style.

It seems a lot of women I know or have met, who like my ideas, haven’t the slightest clue of how to achieve a “bohemian-ish” look! Lol.

That is my goal with

this blog: to, hopefully, inspire the “creatively impaired” to break away from boring!

Life is so much more fun for the creative dresser!

So, How Do I Achieve a Unique Look?

Lol. This seems to be the question of the “ages”: No matter the age of the woman, I think many of us want to set ourselves apart; to look distinct—just as we should!

Last weekend, my hubby Jerry had a gift card he wanted to spend, so we went to the mall. After his purchase, he wanted to peruse the bookstore, so I set out on a browsing tour of the upper and lower levels of the mall.

I went in and out of every fashion boutique. One thing that always stands

out to me when I go trekking through the  retail reservoir, is: Everything looks the same!

A few things caught my eye, giving me some ideas—yes, we all get ideas from each other—but, for the most part, all I saw were duds!

This recognition only reinforces my thought that I like my stuff way better and I spend way less!

Okay…Here are My Tips…

  1. You don’t have to pay mall prices for more of the boring same.

Shop thrift stores and thrift outlets for unique finds, i.e. vintage apparel and east Indian garb. (Be sure to look them over.)

oppose high prices

Not only do you get “different,” you get the bonus of a lesser price tag. Save 90% or more!

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2. Shop the flea markets and rummage sales —probably, also, yard sales, for low-priced unique and attractive, high-quality costume jewelry. Think $1-3, as opposed to $16-36, as I saw at the mall this weekend!

3. As you shop for clothes, put on your creative hat: Keep in mind how you could refashion something that might even be too large for you.

Sometimes, just a few simple changes make a big difference.

Only a basic knowledge of sewing can get you well on

the way to “cool.” 🙂

All I know is the basics.

4. Keep in mind your personal seasonal-color wheel colors that are best with your coloring.

5. Think exhilarating!

Ditch drab! Bury boring! Pitch prosaic!

Don’t blend in with the crowd!

6. Think outside of the box!

When you’re standing in front of your closet, don’t grab the same ol’ combinations!

Try something different: Mix prints! Pair stripes with a print, plaid with tie-dye.

Just pay attention to match color hues and shades.

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Mix it up!

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100 cotton

Breathable is better!

7. As you bargain hunt, you will see many more natural-fabric clothes than in the malls, where it appears, at least, a large percentage are polyester.

8. Search Pinterestand my site 🙂 —for ideas.

You don’t necessarily have to duplicate what you find, just let it inspire you to do your own thing.

tutorials banner featured image

9. Don’t be afraid to cut!

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When you pay very little for an item, if you mess it up, you haven’t lost much.

But, chances are, you won’t make an irreparable mistake if you just keep your mind on what you’re doing.

10. Accessorize, accessorize, ACCESSORIZE!

Hats add so much to an outfit!

hat2 w.line

Don’t rule out gloves.

Wear an abundance of jewelry! …not only earrings and necklaces, but several bracelets up and down your arms, and lots of rings!

It’s okay to mix silver, gold and brass.

 Remember: Your bag is also an accessory. Your choice of bag should enhance your outfit.

More tutorials for hats!

gloves featured image

jewelry ensemble

Bags are an important element in your style!

A girl I met in the mall complimented me on my look, and asked, “Where do you get clothes like that?”

I can give you these tips and instruction, but asking a question like that is like asking a portrait painter, “Where do you get your paints?”…

It’s not the paints—or, the clothes—that make you an artist;

it’s what you do with them!!

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DSC_0096 genie pants


Below is my pinable pin.

Please pin it to your Pinterest fashion board.

Please “like,” share, and comment below.

I really do love to get feedback from you!!

It takes only a moment to tell me what you think!

Please encourage me or give me helpful hints on things I can improve on this blog.

Thank you!!! xxx

8 Replies to “Be a “Wardrobe Artist!!””

  1. Great tips. We don’t have “thrift stores” in England but charity stores are similar enough and they do have some great bargains and unique items.

    1. I appreciate your comment, Alison! Happy bargain hunting for those unique items to incorporate into a charming, unconventional ensemble!! 🙂

      Alison….before I completed my reply, I clicked over to your blog. I assume your “21 Lessons in 21 years” is your first post. If this is any indication of future posts…WOW!

      I read the whole thing and am so impressed with the wisdom you have gained in your short life, so far.

      In many ways, our lives are similar: I was extremely shy and withdrawn in my school years, and even into my 30s; I had a very good, loving relationship with my parents; I have committed my life to God.

      I, too, had to learn self love. I used to have degrading thoughts about myself and compare my nothing with others’ achievements and looks. I used to think I had nothing to offer, that I was unattractive and who would want me, anyhow! I rarely dated. I didn’t marry till I was almost 50!

      Only in recent years, have I decided that I need to accept and embrace who I am. I’m a late bloomer: Only in my late 30s did I decide that I would no longer suppress my creativity in the way I wanted to dress, and said, who cares what people think of me! I’m going to dress the way I want!…before I get too old!

      Well, now, many years later, God “elbowed my spirit” to start my blog DIY Bohemian.

      Now, I think that creativity expressed in the way one dresses DOES NOT depend on age, but it has everything to do with the eternally young spirit within.

      Thank you for making yourself known to me by giving me a comment on my blog. I look forward to “chatting” with you again and I am going to follow your blog.

      Many blessings!

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