My Style Gallery

Hoping to Inspire!

Stylishly speaking, we women owe it to ourselves to reveal how special we each are!

We are not clones, so why should we be expected to look alike?

Every one of us is an exceptional individual; none is created the same.

I encourage you: Cut a new path to a more unique way of dressing!

Click an image.

Create your own shabby bohemian “facade.”

Make your own fingerless gloves!

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See my easy-to-follow tutorials on my vestcoat and skirts.

Originality lives in your creative eye. Visualize an outfit from what you have and DO IT!

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Make up a fun outfit and …WEAR IT! Use your imagination. Think up something original.

See my Tuts n Tips for ideas on creating unique pieces.

Ingenuity is the root from which creation grows and blooms! Be your own designer! 

See “What is the Lagenlook?”

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 Have some fun wearing white cotton accented with leather. Natural tones are perfect for summer weather!

Get more ideas from my “Tuts for Entire Outfits.”

 Mixing fabric design successfully is not all that difficult!

Read my article on “Mixing Prints.”

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Add a tie for some fun!

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You can go from plain to peanut by throwing on gobs of accessories!

See what I’m about, my interests.

heart w.line

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Wear a scarf tied around your hips to bring balance to a jacket and add interest.

Pop on a hat! It’s amazing how much class and style a coordinated chapeau will add to your outfit!

See my hat tuts.

This outfit portrays how you would use my lacy, ruffled tank top: It is used in layering, to extend the outer top.

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I call this top my “apple pie tunic” because it has a “down home” feeling. It’s “comfort food” for the bod!

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  • Gather uncommon garments;
  • Layer—skirts, as well as, tops;
  • Put your own spin on an outfit;
  • Do it frugally!

Create a hat in your own style.

Combing garments will give you a one-of-a-kind piece, and, in this case, gloves to match!

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Use an article of clothing for the fabric…as I did in making this purse!

Throw a tie in the mix!

Put together two skirts for one maxi!

Sew up a bag from the fabric of a pant!

Wear a gathered crinoline on the OUTSIDE of your pencil skirt!

See more of my skirt ideas…

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This poncho was a “V-8 head-thumper” idea for me!

Create an impressive, custom skirt with VERY LITTLE sewing!

Fashion a fancy tank top to wear under and extend a shorter  top to give it the look of a tunic—as in the outfit, above right.

Layer it up!

Style a charming hat of your own making!

The Art of the Lagenlook

Get my tips on layering!

2017.02.17 leopard pants.multi vests outfit featured image

Reconsider your skirts…one could be a dress!

This skirt started the whole thing!

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“Bohemian-ize” a tank.


Simply changing things up—by wearing a different skirt with a top, adding a vest, popping on a hat—will add many outfits to your repertoire of creations.

Think through your wardrobe…Consider what items you don’t really wear anymore— and, if you have some with common colors, you can create a new outfit!!

Vanilla Lace

Find out how to put together a very inexpensive yet charming outfit!

This skirt is so easy! All it takes is sewing just a couple of straight lines! That gives you a fun boho look!

One of my fave projects is this top. It used to be a plain, collared shirt—rather boring. Now, it’s charming!

You can make gloves from a lace curtain panel or from sleeves, as in upper right photo.

Make this Victorian-era hat!

See about layering—this has layered tops and three layers of skirt.

Be Creative!

Don’t be afraid to play dress up!

Have FUN with your clothes!

Be a Breath of Fresh Air!

Don’t be self conscious! It’s okay to be distinctive. Be yourself! Leave no room for intimidation.

Get satisfaction from creating an original outfit! Be proud of your handiwork!

Dress Like a “Million” for Pennies!

Wear a Hat!

Outfits are made up of components… Changing even one or two components makes a whole different ensemble. If you choose, you never have to wear the same outfit ever again!

skirt twins jus a few chgs - two figs

This Kimono tunic is Either a Top or a Wrap!

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Style is all about having fun and simply being yourself!

Be free to express yourself! Use your imagination and create anything out of anything!

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10 Replies to “My Style Gallery”

  1. So love that I found you! I can’t stop looking at all your tips, your style, advice and sharing you’re religion. This is going to be a fun place for me. I feel I’ve only scratched the surface. Thank you.

    I’m very sorry for the loss of your husband. I have a nagging fear sometimes of how I will manage without my love if that should be the case. I’m hoping to read in time more on how you coped during mourning & then what it felt like to feel creative, again. I’m hoping my faith, maturity and whatever other strengths might help.
    May God bless you.

    1. My dear Katie,

      Thank you so much for the comment!!! I’m so, so thankful for you! …as I am so grateful for all 220 of my subscribers! That doesn’t sound like much, maybe, but I’ve become acquainted with some wonderful women all across the world! I treasure each and every one of you!!

      It’s been slow going with this blog. I started it over three years ago, and really have no idea how to promote it! Lol. Well, I have some. I’ve tried to read up on that subject, but it all seems so complicated! The Lord told me He would promote it, and it seems in the last few weeks, it is beginning to grow a little faster. My Pinterest is really taking off! That HAS to be God, because I haven’t done much on it lately.

      I love that you are really getting something from my blog. Katie, for the longest time, I didn’t share my faith. But, then, things began to happen – good and sad, and I thought, Hey! This is MY blog! If I want to tell the world that I belong to Jesus, then, I will!!!

      Yes, in the beginning, I really worked very hard to get projects done and write posts. So, yes, there’s TONS of stuff to find on this blog! 🙂

      Thank you for your caring words about my Jerry going Home. Sometimes, I think I’m getting better, but, then, another wave of sorrow comes along. I’ve REALLY been missing him – again – lately. I will always love and miss Jerry. Not only do I miss him, but, I don’t like “alone.” It’s hard to come home to an empty house. I want a kitty (or, kitties), but, I want to be sure I can handle a pet financially, first. God has always provided, but, I want to be sure. I believe the right kitty will come to me as my babies have in the past. God’s timing is always just right. I don’t always understand His ways, but, I trust Him. Katie, God is so faithful!

      If you haven’t yet, you can read my post on when I had to bury my sweetie’s ashes. under My Life Experiences category.

      Thank you for your blessing, Katie.
      Blessings to you <3

  2. Hi Cindy, I love the bubbliness you exude with your style tips! I have my own blog which I’ve returned to also and learned, if you do three links (back link) a day, you’ll have 100 by end of the month. I got knocked off course with this virus stuff but getting back to mine. You can also try ‘link parties’ with others or host your own and invite others with their sewing projects. Thank you for sharing your experiences, and love learning and checking how to change up my own wardrobe.

    1. Gin, my friend,

      Thank you for your saying I am “bubbly” in my writing! That means so much!

      I AM excited to write about taking back our decision-making abilities, and dressing in OUR OWN STYLE!! Don’t ever let anyone force you to wear a particular style – or be someone you’re not – just because “they” think they are the experts!!

      Thank you for the tips. Give me your blog link! I want to see it very much! And, maybe we can do the “link party” thing. 😀 How do you invite others? Teach me! And, CONGRATS on getting back to your blog!


  3. I love Gin’s reply. Perhaps you could teach basic sewing. I love to knit and crochet but don’t feel confident in my lack of sewing skills. Just an idea as I feel you have a gift for teaching in a very understandable way. ✂️ I love the way you cut up and put articles of different pieces of clothing, lace or anything that catches your eyes together and create something cool and so original! I want to make some gypsy curtains with strips & sew together. Do you sew mostly by machine or hand sew? My grandmother was a great seamstress. I’m still hoping I inherited some of that and that it’s just lying dormant & waiting to come to life within me!
    I hope you have a blessed day my friend, Cindy. 💓

    1. Hey Katie,

      It’s always a joy to hear from you!

      Lol. ME, TEACH SEWING!!!? I don’t know anything about sewing!!! Lol. I just make it up as I go! Lol. Whenever I say that, it always makes me think of Indiana Jones!!! Lol Lol! 😀

      I don’t do ANYTHING conventional or proper. I just put stuff together. I leave the “proper” way to the REAL seamstresses.

      I just want to stir creativity in my readers and, perhaps, give ideas to, at least, START the process of creating.

      Thank you so much, Katie, for your welcome compliment of saying that I teach in an understandable way. 😀 I try.

      Yeh, I’m always looking for odd bits and pieces, and THE BEST place to get all those oddities, I’ve found, is the Goodwill Outlet. Lol. It seems nobody else is looking for strange things like I do. And, at $1.39/lb, pieces of lace, doilies, faux fur collars, fuzzy scarves, etc. are almost free! At festivals and antique shops, you can pay multiple dollars for a doily! I also LOVE to re-purpose! I want to see your gypsy curtains when you finish. Please send me pix. Don’t forget you can always use Indian saris for curtain panels, too! You’re on aren’t you? Show the group!!

      You’re smart to have learned to knit and crochet. I SO admire those who do so many crafts! I just improvise. I’m working on a lamp, and writing a post on it – set to come out shortly. I knew I had to add weight to it, so I’m using rocks!! Lol.

      I mostly use the machine. Hand sewing is extremely slow! It takes me long enough on a project as it is. That’s why I could never make stuff for sale. The price would be exorbitant! …or, I’d be working for pennies! Not worth it!

      Katie, I’ve found that the best way to bring those talents to the surface, and stir those creative juices, is to – to quote NIKE – JUST DO IT!!

      Love you!
      Cindy <3

      1. Thank you Cindy. I love how you improvise. Using the rocks is pure genius. I do get great satisfaction out of finding everyday items that help me in whatever project I’m attempting. Well you have succeeded once again in stirring my creative juices. I love the JUST DO IT!!! It’s amazing how things have a way of coming together if I just start & forget about being a perfectionist. Not that I am mind you but sometimes if I haven’t learned something I get scared to try it. I’m going to act like a kid again & just play around. Maybe I will go with the Indian saris. I did read that article awhile ago but will look again at it. Thank you for the links as they are so helpful. You are a wonderful teacher. Their are those that are great at many things but teaching others is not one of their gifts. I believe you have a knack for expressing yourself and helping us to learn of all the fun things you do.
        Well my dear friend I hope everything is going well for you. I hope you’re finding ways to feel less lonely & you are in my prayers. Love your site & it makes me happy looking at all of your artsy clothing, furnishings, lamps…I feel we are like kindred spirits. 💓

        1. Katie,

          I’m sorry I’ve been bad at looking at my site email regularly. I totally missed this comment. I get so much spam that I’m negligent in checking it often. 🙁

          Your comments always brighten my days.

          I admit I’ve been melancholy lately. I have no right to be depressed and feeling sorry for myself because God is so good to me and is taking care of me. Nevertheless, I am. I feel I have practically no purpose in life – yet, I know that God has a plan, and He once told me that He would have to cover my eyes for a time, while He was putting things together for me. I’m ashamed that I feel down. I’m lonely. I think of the sad memories of Jerry’s last days and weeks, but, I know he’s happy and free now, with the Lord. I truly don’t care for my job! I won’t say I hate it, though sometimes I do. I’m very grateful for it. I know I’m supposed to stay put until God opens another for me. I’ve experienced this situation before and have seen how God opens something from a job not liked. I simply have to trust Him.

          I’M SO EXCITED that I have succeeded in stirring your creative juices!!!!!! That is my intent with this blog. I SO WANT gals to do their own projects, not just see what I’m doing… though, those taking the time to look at my site is very appreciated!!

          Yes, I have to TELL MYSELF to JUST DO IT! many times. I’m painting my other bathroom… I MADE myself get in there this afternoon after I got home from a short day at work. If I don’t MAKE myself do something, it’s TOO EASY to get apathetic and just plop down in front of the TV.

          (For anyone reading these comments, Katie is referring to when she mentions the rocks. She also mentioned the Indian saris for curtain panels

          I never thought of myself as a teacher, but, thanks. It does me good to hear that somebody thinks I’m good at something. Bless you Katie! Thank you SO much for your prayers, and your love that I feel in your comments. xx

          Yes, we are kindred spirits!! Absolutely! …and I so appreciate you!! You are in my prayers quite often too, my friend. Just think: If I’d never started this blog… I’d be missing out on some treasured friendships that I’ve made across the world. Thank you for being mine! xx

          Love and Blessing,

  4. I just love your VIBE. Positive message in a world that calls for conformation to it’s pattern and method. I have been making small steps towards a cottage industry of peddling my upcycle refashions, It has been slow going because I am still working full time . I spend more time dreaming than sewing and creating at this point, but it is a worthwhile goal. I long to share the the love of Christ in a personal way, through my wearable art. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings to you,

    1. Paula,
      I love hearing from you and so appreciate what you’ve said. I encourage you in what you’re doing.

      Dreaming is worthwhile. Even when it seems you don’t see anything much happening, keep that dream alive, keep taking steps to make it come true, even small steps. (I’m telling myself that, too.) I go through periods of almost losing my dreams. But, I have to come back to the realization that God is the one who told me to start this blog, and, even though I’m just starting to come back to it after a time of busyness when my blog took a back seat to other priorities, I HAVE to believe that I have this blog for a reason.

      I’m excited for you about your “cottage industry.” I wish I could figure out a way to monetize my blog so my passion and my job could be one in the same. There again, I have to trust God for that. When I get comments from you and others (I’ve been getting more lately), it’s such an encouragement to me.

      Thank YOU for sharing. Each of us needs the other.

      Many blessings,

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